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What Boiler Do I Have?

Learn what type of boiler you have using this guide by Lloyd’s Gas

Home maintenance is a cost-effective way to make sure you don’t need to deal with any large problems in the long term. Part of that means knowing the ins and outs of your house as much as possible. Your boiler is a significant part of that.

If you find yourself asking, ‘what type of boiler do I have?’ then you’ll likely wonder how to figure this out. It mightn’t be as easy as taking a look, as that might just tell you the manufacturer and model. You could need more than this.

As experts in all things boiler-related, Lloyd’s Gas knows exactly what you’re going through. We know that you likely have quite a few questions, including:

  • How do I know if I have a combi boiler?
  • Is my boiler gas or electric?
  • What boiler do I have?

If you have an old boiler system, answering these questions could be especially tricky. That doesn’t need to be the case, however. With our dedication to customer service, Lloyd’s Gas is more than happy to walk you through the process of figuring all of this out.

Why you should know what type of boiler you have

There are more than a few reasons why you should know what type of boiler you have. The most notable of these is that it’ll help you determine how to look after it. Different types can have different maintenance routines. Even any potential repairs can be quite different because of this.

Some types of boilers will be much more complicated and labour-intensive repairs than others. By knowing what kind of boiler you have, you can figure out how large of a project it will be to address it.

System Boiler

System boilers take their water directly from the main water system and produce hot water for a water cylinder. These are usually found in homes that need to use large volumes of water within a short space of time. System boilers provide a range of benefits, such as being able to heat water for two bathrooms at once.

Since they don’t need a cold water tank, they also shouldn’t take up too much space. The drawback to this, however, is that the hot water tank itself can be relatively large. Once hot water has been emptied, you’ll also need to wait until the tank refills and heats the water before you can use it again.

How to tell if your boiler is a system boiler

The easiest way of figuring out if you have a system boiler is by taking a look at the number of pipes attached to it. Three copper pipes should be located at the bottom of the boiler, with there being no external pump, as there isn’t any expansion storage. That’ll be quite different to many other types of boilers, which have a broad range of pipes to function effectively.

These are commonly found in homes that have a high demand for hot water, especially from multiple outlets. They’re rare to find in apartments and small homes.

Combi Boilers

Combination boilers, also known as combi boilers, include a water heating system and a central heating unit within the one system. As a result, it creates hot water instantly. They’re also much smaller than other options because of this, as they don’t need the space for a separate hot water tank.

One of the more notable benefits of these options is that they’re more efficient than other boilers. You only heat the water you use, so you don’t end up wasting any energy. That could directly impact your utility bills.

How to tell if your boiler is a combi boiler

You might wonder, ‘how do I know if I have a combi boiler?’ You can figure this out by taking a quick look at it. In almost every case, you should see five copper pipes at the bottom of the boiler. There’ll normally be no pipes coming out of the top of it, as there’s no need for an external water cylinder.

These types of boiler are found in smaller homes and apartments, as they save more space than other options. As a result, the size of the boiler may also be a bit of a giveaway.

Conventional or Heat-only boilers

Conventional boilers, also known as regular or heat-only boilers, store hot water in a cylinder. One of the main advantages of this is that it offers a lot of hot water at once, making them great for showers and baths. It mightn’t be a recommended option for homes with multiple bathrooms, as you’ll need to wait for the boiler to fill up to use it again.

These also store hot and cold water, so they take up quite a bit of space in your home, meaning they’re not recommended for apartments or small homes.

How to tell if your boiler is a conventional boiler

Figuring out whether or not you have a conventional boiler can be easier than most other options, as you may simply need to take a look at it. Because of its size, it’s typically larger than other options. If there are two copper pipes running into the top of the boiler and only one at the bottom, then you have a conventional boiler.

Houses that have these are typically larger ones, primarily because of the space that’s demanded for these systems. Despite needing to refill, they can be recommended for properties with larger water demands because of their high storage capacity.

“What type of boiler do I have?”, answered by Lloyd’s Gas

At Lloyd’s Gas, we offer a comprehensive and in-depth service to each of our customers. Regardless of what boiler-related issues you might have, we’re more than happy – and capable – to help. Our staff is ready and waiting to help you with your needs.

Regardless of whether you have an old boiler system, are asking, ‘what type of boiler do I have’, or have any other concerns, give us a call, and we’ll be here to help.

If this guide has helped you and you are looking to have a boiler installed in Manchester, give our experts a call today to get a FREE quote!

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